Due to inclement weather, classes have been canceled today at our Austin campus.


Tag: iOS mobile application development

Here is a rundown of the Swift vs Objective-C programming language contest, and how they stack up against each other.
Blogcoding language used in app development

Swift vs Objective-C Programming Languages: Everything You Need to Know

Here is a rundown of the Swift vs Objective-C programming language contest, and how they stack up against each other: Objective-C Programming Language Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language used by NeXT Computer Inc., a company founded by Steve Jobs in the 90s. It utilizes two languages, C and Smalltalk. ...
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Become an iOS Developer in 2021: The Ultimate Guide
Apple XCode IDEBlog

Become an iOS Developer in 2021: The Ultimate Guide

iPhones are unique to Android phones because their applications use the Apple iOS operating systems. As a result, mobile application developers interested in creating applications for these devices need to have specific skills to develop effective apps. An iOS developer wields the expertise of iOS and the capabilities of traditional ...
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