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What Is My Coding Certification Good For

What Is My Coding Certification Good For

Medical billing and coding is a dynamic career where you can work from home or from a variety of medical office facilities. As a certified coder, you\'ll be responsible for interpreting doctors\' diagnoses and assigning the proper medical code to them. In order to succeed, you need skills like: Read more...
Online Medical Billing and Coding - Scitexas.edu

What Is My Coding Certification Good For?

Medical billing and coding is a dynamic career where you can work from home or from a variety of medical office facilities. As a certified coder, you\’ll be responsible for interpreting doctors’ diagnoses and assigning the proper medical code to them.

In order to succeed, you need skills like:

  • Keyboarding
  • Office Procedures
  • Medical Terminology
  • Insurance Terminology
  • Insurance Laws and Regulations
  • Computer Software
  • Interpersonal Communication

Required Certification

Medical billing and coding can be a rewarding career field. Once you earn the proper coding certification, you are eligible for a job in a variety of different healthcare settings. If you\’re ready to begin your career search as a medical coder, most employers require the following certification:

  • Certified Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS)
  • ICD 9 & ICD 10

Job Possibilities

Healthcare facilities across the country need efficient coders who can take care of billing for patients. Some facilities allow coders to work from home, logging in a specific amount of hours each shift. Other facilities employ coders from an on-site office. You can choose from:

  • Hospitals
  • Doctor\’s Offices
  • Medical Clinics
  • Outpatient Care Facilities
  • Family Practices
  • Group Practices
  • Nursing Homes
  • Specialists Office
  • Home Healthcare Agencies

How to Get a Job

A wide selection of job opportunities can feel as overwhelming as having few opportunities. Sometimes it\’s hard to know where to start your job search. Ideally, your training institution has a career services office that can help you get a head start on your job search. Here are some steps that may help you find a job as a coding specialist:

  • Determine which city or area you want to work in
  • Develop your resume
  • Make industry contacts by scheduling a meeting with potential employers to ask about future employment opportunities
  • Send a letter of interest and resume to potential employers
  • Schedule interviews
  • Follow-up with a phone call or letter to supervisors you interviewed with
  • Make your selection

Remain diligent in your job search. Keeping a positive attitude can make all the difference. If you don\’t get hired right away, remind yourself of all the hard work you put into gaining your coding certification. You certainly never intended for all of your hard work to go to waste. Stay current on industry trends by reading professional publications so when you do get hired you\’ll be ready to jump right in.

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