Pharmacy Technician Schools in San Antonio TX That Offer Student Services
The best pharmacy technician schools in San Antonio TX offer a range of student services. Click here to find out which schools make the top five. When researching pharmacy technician schools in San Antonio TX, course content should be just one of your considerations. You must also look at schools as a whole to decide if they will provide you with the educational experience you need to succeed — they should have sufficient facilities, resources, and student support to kickstart your new career. The following are the top pharmacy technician schools in San Antonio TX for student services.
1. Brown Mackie College
Brown Mackie College specializes in offering a range of student services to ensure that every attendee of their pharmacy technician course achieves academic success. Advisors are on hand to ensure that you are meeting the requirements to graduate, and you can receive free tutoring for help with classwork and exams. Finally, you will be able to utilize the career services for help finding a job after you graduate, which include support in resume writing, interviewing, and networking.
2. Northwest Vista College
If you choose Northwest Vista College, you can take advantage of tutoring labs that will hone your reading, writing, and science skills. You will also be assigned an academic advisor to help you meet your career goals.
3. Southern Careers Institute
SCI has a team on campus available to assist you in all aspects of career readiness, including resume building, interview techniques, and job search skills. The school receives visits from guest speakers on a regular basis to answer students’ question and clear up their doubts. Students of the pharmacy technician course can also receive tutoring outside of class hours and are able to use computers, printers, and other technology in the computer lab.
4. University of the Incarnate Word
At UIW, all students have access to advising to help them reach their academic goals. Students receive an assigned advisor, who they can meet in person, email, or call with their concerns.
5. Kaplan College
The San Antonio campus of Kaplan College features a Learning Resource Center, where students have access to books, journals, periodicals, audiovisuals, digital information, and computers. Faculty members are able to provide support within the center or students can schedule academic advising and tutoring. Furthermore, the school offers services for students in career planning and job seeking, which are available even after graduation. All the above are great schools, but the right one of you will depend on program length, availability of financial aid, the possibility of an internship, and other factors. Talk to a representative at each school to gain all this information before making your final decision.