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Happy National HVAC Tech Day

Happy National HVAC Tech Day


Did you know today is National HVAC Tech Day? HVAC Tech National Appreciation Day helps us recognize HVAC techs as well as the critical work they do. But what is the meaning behind the holiday, and what do HVAC techs do? HVAC techs have a very important role in our society and perform tasks that not many others are capable of performing (though anyone can become one with the right training).

Let’s take a closer look at the careers of HVAC technicians, National HVAC Tech Day, and why HVAC techs are so important and worth honoring.

What Is National HVAC Tech Day?

National HVAC Tech Day is a day to show appreciation to all the HVAC techs working on heating systems and cooling systems in our homes, offices, and other public buildings.

Imagine sitting in an office in the middle of January. Your area has experienced record lows. You reach your office after driving through snow and sleet. Just when you prepare to warm up after your trek in the cold…you hear the heat kick-off and feel the office temperature drop.

Or picture yourself on a sweltering summer day coming in from doing tedious yard work. You\’re sweating bullets as you enter your house to feel the cool blast of air conditioning hitting your face. As you reach for a glass of water, you feel the air stop blowing as your A/C breaks.

In both scenarios, no one can help you but an HVAC tech.

When Is National HVAC Techs Day?

National HVAC Tech Day is June 22nd. It\’s a day to show respect and gratitude for them. You may be asking, \”How can I partake in showing my appreciation on National HVAC Tech Day?\” There are a few ways you can show your support:

Thank an HVAC tech

Do you have an HVAC tech in your life that regularly helps you? If so, thank them. Get them a greeting card, or perhaps a gift card, to show their appreciation. They have a unique skill set that requires training and dedication. A \”thank you\” can go a long way.

Take to social media

Use your social media profiles to talk about HVAC Tech Appreciation Day. Tell your friends and followers about why the day is worth remembering. Share your experiences with HVAC techs and how they\’ve helped make your life easier and more convenient. Encourage others to do the same and spread the word.

Learn more about what it takes to become an HVAC tech

Have you ever considered becoming an HVAC tech? It can be a lucrative and rewarding job (more on that below). You can use National HVAC tech day as an opportunity to learn more about the profession itself and determine if it\’s right for you.

Why We Love HVAC Techs

So why do we love HVAC techs? It\’s quite simple, really. We rely on HVAC techs to make sure that we can be comfortable. When our air conditioning and refrigeration is busted, it is HVAC techs who are there to save the day. When our heat malfunctions, it is the HVAC techs who are there to help us warm up.

HVAC techs perform a thankless but necessary role in our society. Think of how lost we\’d be without HVAC techs to help regulate the internal temperature of our buildings. Some states are hotter or colder than others. Somewhere like Texas, air conditioning is a necessity.

The HVAC industry can be a thankless one — even if they do receive decent pay. There aren\’t many times when they receive recognition for their hard work. National HVAC Tech Day is an opportunity to do that.

HVAC Tech Job Responsibilities


HVAC techs can earn a decent living, but what is it they actually do? The answer to that question depends on the particular type of HVAC tech they become as there\’s some variation within the field. But there are a few general responsibilities HVAC techs can expect to take on no matter where or how they enter the industry.

  • Cleaning and installing HVAC systems
  • Installing electrical wiring
  • Running tests on HVAC systems
  • Communicate with customers on HVAC system failures
  • Replacing expired HVAC parts
  • Keeping comprehensive records of work they\’ve performed
  • Diagnosing HVAC issues and suggesting maintenance to help address said issue

HVAC techs repair heating systems and cooling systems. Some of them have specified skillsets for a particular type of HVAC system. The one thing all HVACs have in common is that they needed to undergo training prior to becoming an HVAC. The amount of training will vary, but they all look for the training program that fits them and their schedule best.

HVAC jobs pay particularly well. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, HVAC techs make an average annual salary of $48,730 nationally. These figures will depend on what company the HVAC tech works for, where they\’re located, and the amount of experience they have.

So what type of training should you pursue if you\’re looking to become an HVAC tech? If you are in Texas, there\’s only one name you need to know.

Accredited HVAC Trade School In Texas

If you\’ve read about National HVAC Tech Day and think that becoming an HVAC tech may be the job for you, you\’re not alone. Many people look to enter this field. To give yourself the best chance at becoming one, you\’ll want to look for  HVAC training that gives you the skills you need to perform in the role as well as the ability to gain hands-on experience. With the right training, you can start work as an HVAC feeling confident.

Southern Careers Institute offers the training program you need. SCI understands Texas Department of Licensing requirements and can assist you in getting the HVAC certifications you need in a short amount of time.

National HVAC Tech Day is a chance to honor HVAC techs for the job they do. It may also be an opportunity to explore a new and rewarding career choice. So what are you waiting for? Check out some of SCI\’s great programs to see if becoming an HVAC tech is a fit for you. Get recognition and get the promotion and raise you want. For more on how we can help you become an HVAC tech, contact us today.

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