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How You Can Exercise Soft Skills While Learning Online

How You Can Exercise Soft Skills While Learning Online

A female student is learning online and exercising soft skills.

Thus, it is important that you have opportunities to learn these skills as a student. With the trend towards online schooling for higher education, some may think that soft skills are not being learned as they should be. However, this is not the case at all. There are several ways that students can exercise soft skills while learning online, helping them to be successful in the future. Here are some excellent ways that you can exercise soft skills while learning online.  

Discussion Boards When Learning Online 

One excellent resource for learning soft skills, while taking courses online, is discussion boards. The reason why these discussion boards are so helpful is that they teach students how to communicate with one another. Students practice expressing their ideas and opinions in a professional and effective manner. This is very similar to an in-person classroom discussion, so a lot of the same skills are learned and then exercised.  

Group Projects  

Another way to develop soft skills while in the online classroom is to become involved in group projects. Frequently, the course instructors will require one or more group projects as part of the curriculum. During these projects, you are often assigned to work with a group of students to work with completing the project. Each of you must work together and designate individual roles to make sure that the assignment is completed properly. You will have to communicate with each other, fulfill your individual responsibilities, report back to one another, and ultimately work together. This is much like what would happen in a regular classroom and in your future job.  

Leadership Roles  

You have opportunities to fulfill several leadership roles when you are in the online classroom as well. This may include being the leader for group projects, leading discussions, becoming an online student aide, and performing the leadership skills required in that role. These leadership skills translate to the workplace, helping you to demonstrate your abilities to a future employer. 

Direct Communication  

You also will practice your direct communication skills when taking online courses. You must communicate directly with your instructor via video conferencing, chat, and email. You learn how to effectively communicate with them. Furthermore, you will communicate one-on-one with other members of your class when doing group work, partner projects, study groups, etc. This is very similar to talking with someone in the classroom and requires the same level of interpersonal skills needed to make direct communication successful.  

Listening During Live Lectures 

A Male student wearing headphones taking online course training, watching webinar, remote seminar university class, virtual learning with social distance web teacher, tutor or coach on computer screen.

As part of your requirements for online learning, you will attend live virtual lectures. These lectures allow you to work on your listening skills. To get the information that you need to succeed in the class, you must listen to the lecture closely. You may also learn how to take effective notes and ask the proper questions as this time. This experience mirrors what occurs in the face-to-face classroom, especially because the lectures are live. Strong listening skills support success in a career. 

Dependability With Assignments  

Whether you are turning in a personal assignment or completing a group assignment, people will be depending on you to complete it. Your professor depends on you to complete your own assignments correctly and on time. The same is true with the other members of your group with group projects. If you aren\’t dependable and fail to complete your assignments, there are negative repercussions, just as in any class. In contrast, being dependable has positive effects and allows you to succeed in your online courses and in future jobs.  

Work Ethic for Coursework When Learning Online 

Taking online courses allows you to learn a strong work ethic. In fact, this may be even more so than in the regular classroom because you must be self-motivated. A lot of the time you are on your own to manage your time and energy to complete all the reading, listen to the pre-recorded lectures, take the quizzes, do your assignments, etc.  This is perfect for learning how to work hard, and you will reap the benefits of your efforts. 

Conflict Resolution 

Another soft skill that you can learn in online courses is conflict resolution. This is something that will likely come up with when you are working on group and partner projects. Knowing how to work through conflicts in a calm and effective manner can help you to get the needed work done in a positive manner. This can help you exponentially in the workplace when you are effectively working through problems with your co-workers and supervisors.  

Learn More About Exercising Soft Skills While Learning Online 

Overall, you can learn many soft skills in your online classes. Then, these can help you to prepare for your future career. To learn more about Southern Careers Institute\’s online programs, visit us here.  

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