Due to inclement weather, classes have been canceled today at our Austin campus.

How to Conquer Online Summer Classes

How to Conquer Online Summer Classes

An unrecognizable student attending one of his online summer classes.

You can find a class that fits your schedule and interests with many available options. If you’re considering taking classes this summer, here are a few tips to ensure that your experience is successful: 

Consider Your Availability for Online Summer Classes 

Summer has numerous family vacations, outdoor activities, and social commitments. Before registering for an online class, think about what kind of schedule you will have during the summer months. If you plan to travel or work extra hours at a seasonal job, ensure you have time set aside for schoolwork. 

Create a Routine 

Even if it\’s only a few weeks, try to create a daily schedule to determine how much time you need to dedicate to each assignment. By planning, you\’ll avoid cramming all of your assignments into one day and falling behind on everything else that needs to get done. 

When creating your routine, you need to determine what schedule works best for you. 

  • Are you more productive after eating breakfast? 
  • Do you need to wake up early each day or late at night? 
  • Do you get distracted easily? 

These questions will help determine the best way for you to study and complete assignments during the summer months. If it works better for you to start late at night, then go with that flow! Your body knows what it needs and will let you know when it\’s time for bed. 

Use Technology as an Advantage 

Technology can be a great asset when taking an online course in the summer. Use tools like Google Calendar or Evernote to avoid forgetting due dates or meetings with professors or peers. Also, consider using an app like Duolingo or Memrise to practice new vocabulary words or review essential concepts from previous classes before they are tested. 

Make Sure You Can Stay Focused During Online Summer Classes 

If you\’re taking summer classes because you need to finish up a degree program as quickly as possible, ensure that the class topic isn\’t too broad or too shallow. If it is, then choosing a different course would be better suited for your needs. Look at the syllabus so there won\’t be any surprises down the road during finals week; if something seems unclear now, it will only worsen later. 

Set Aside Time for Studying and Note-Taking 

Even though you work from home and don\’t have to commute to campus, this doesn\’t mean you shouldn\’t schedule time each week for studying and note-taking. Dedicate one hour daily to reviewing lecture notes or reading through chapter summaries on e-textbooks. When the exam comes, you\’ll be prepared with all the necessary information needed for success on tests and quizzes (and maybe even get a good grade). 

Find the Right Environment 

When taking an online class, choosing one that fits your learning style is important. If you\’re a visual learner, look for video lectures and reading material accompanied by graphics and images. If you prefer hands-on activities, find a class that has live lessons and virtual labs where you can practice what you\’ve learned. 

Also, ensure the course is compatible with your computer system, tablet, or smartphone. Thus, you can access all resources at any time. If you\’re feeling particularly adventurous, you could even try studying abroad during the summer and taking an online course as part of your study abroad program. 

Manage Your Time Wisely for Online Summer Classes 

Taking an online class means that there will be fewer distractions than in-person classes, which can make it easier to stay focused and on task. However, it\’s still important not to get too distracted by social media or other entertainment while working on assignments. Set aside specific times throughout the day when you\’ll work on your projects; this will help keep them from piling up and overwhelming you later in the semester when things start getting more stressful. 

Stay Organized 

It\’s easy to get distracted when school is out and there are no repercussions if you don\’t complete your work on time. However, when enrolled in an online class, you must stay on task and keep track of all deadlines so that nothing slips through the cracks. If you\’re having trouble staying on top of things, try using a planner or scheduling calendar. 

How to Balance Having Fun and Online Summer Classes 

No matter how busy you are, you want to make sure you\’re making memories and having fun during the summer. Here are some tips on how to fit in fun activities between classes and homework. Thus, you don\’t feel like your summer is passing by without making any memories. 

Take a Vacation 

If you\’re taking online summer classes, this might be the most important tip. If you don\’t take a vacation, it\’s very easy to fall into a routine where you spend all your free time studying or working at a part-time job. That can get depressing after a while! So take a few days off from school and go somewhere that will inspire creativity and relaxation so that when you come back from vacation, it will be easier to get back into the groove of things again with your classwork. 

Engage in Fun Activities 

Find fun activities to help relieve stress from schoolwork. You can take advantage of free outdoor events like concerts, festivals, and parades happening around town during the summer months! 

Set Realistic Expectations 

You might think everything should be easy and breezy because it\’s summertime and there isn\’t as much work as usual. But this isn\’t always true! Sometimes things can get even harder because there\’s no one there pushing you to do your best. 

Don\’t Forget About Sleep!  

One thing many students forget about when they\’re busy studying is getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can affect both physical and mental well-being. 


Exercise is an excellent way to break up the monotony of studying. It can also help you stay focused, improve your mood and boost your energy levels. 

Try the Online Summer Classes at SCI 

Summer classes offer a great opportunity to learn new skills or brush up on old ones while enjoying the summer weather. If you want to add new skills to your resume this summer, consider taking an online class through SCI, Texas Trade School. Our online programs offer everything from business management to cybersecurity training. No matter what you want to learn, we have an online course that will help you get there. 

Request info to learn more about our online school and the programs we offer.  

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