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Becoming a Pharmacy Technician in Texas

Becoming a Pharmacy Technician in Texas

Can you see yourself greeting customers with a smile, listening to concerns, offering support and establishing trusting relationships with community members? A pharmacy technician does all that and more. If you are a people person and like to learn about science and medicine, a pharmacy technician could be a viable career option. There are four major steps to becoming a pharmacy technician in texas. Read more...
pharmacy technician standing in a pharmacy in front of a shelf of medication

4 Steps to Becoming a Pharmacy Technician in Texas

Can you see yourself greeting customers with a smile, listening to concerns, offering support and establishing trusting relationships with community members? A pharmacy technician does all that and more. If you are a people person and like to learn about science and medicine, a pharmacy technician could be a viable career option. There are four major steps to becoming a pharmacy technician in Texas.

Attend School
Pharmacy school is a critical component to learning everything you need to know to become a pharmacy tech.

You\’ll learn prescription processing, FDA drug safety, pharmacology and basic compounding. Enrolling in a pharmacy tech program ensures that you get real, hands-on training to learn the necessary skills to succeed. In addition, you\’ll receive support in finding a job upon graduation. Financial aid is typically available in the form of loans and grants. Many institutions also offer assistance to military veterans.

Get Certified
In order to land a job anywhere across the country, you\’ll need nationally recognized certifications including Pharmacy Technician Certification (PTCE) and Microsoft Word certification. School courses are specifically designed to help you succeed in acquiring both of these important certifications before graduation.

Apply for a Job
Pharmacy tech positions are widely available in a variety of venues. You\’ll be able to decide if you\’d like to work at a retail or hospital pharmacy, a drug or pharmaceutical company, a nursing home, within the military or a U.S. government agency. Begin forming business relationships before graduation by reaching out to potential employers or securing an internship. Send a cover letter and resume to prospective employers letting them know when you would be available should a position become available. Be proactive in your job search by approaching companies before they even post a help wanted ad.

Nail the Interview
Once you\’ve done all the legwork to obtain an interview, you\’re more than halfway to acquiring your dream job. Prepare yourself before the interview by carefully reviewing potential questions and answers. Stage a mock-interview with a friend so you can become comfortable discussing your background, skills, knowledge and certifications. Dress professionally for your interview and greet your interviewers with a smile and a firm handshake. Speak clearly, concisely and honestly. Let them see your passion for working in the pharmaceutical field.

Becoming a pharmacy technician in Texas is just a matter of achieving each individual step. When you reach one goal, pat yourself on the back and look forward to the next. With determination and drive you can achieve the dream of a satisfying, dynamic career.

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